
Sunday, September 25, 2011


Heyyyy Woozens!
Can you feel that? The cold air setting in… the leaves are changing (in some parts of the world) and Autumn has arrived! It’s the first day of Fall today and that means the start of my FAVORITE fashion season xD!
We also got two NEW Clubz this week: ComicZ and 4LovZ! Visit the Woozworld Store to check out all our fantastic Clubz offers before they’re gone! Each deal gives you 1-2 Clubz Outfits, 4-5 Clubz Furnitures, a Clubz Unitz, an official Clubz Badgeand Title, AND a 7 day VIP pass!!! What more could you want? Get it while it’s hot, hot, hot!
Now let’s check out our weekend schedule!

Weekend Eventz

It’s that special ClubZ time Woozens!
This week we got a 4 LovZ Club and ComicZ Club and for this weekend, Plush wants you to design which Clubz you’re in using the NEW Unitz, furniture items and clothes! Don’t forget you get your friends to join your Clubz and wear the same outfits! Luckily, there will be a Enlist Podz in Plush’s Secret ClubZ Hall for you to enter your Unitz (and Clubz Members!)
When you have your Clubz finished and your members have joined, head over to the Enlist Podz and enter this information:
1. Clubz Name (think of something real creative!)
2. Clubz Owner (only the owner of the club should enter their Unitz)
3. Clubz Members (don’t forget to include the members of your Clubz!)
4. Clubz Colors (so we can make a special trophy for you)
(These will also be in the Enlist Podz incase you forget!) :D
The winning Clubz (there will only be one of each) members will all get a special Congratz trophydesigned in their Clubz colors and the Clubz Owner will get themselves 50 Wooz!
Plush will be on throughout the weekend to drop in and see your Clubz! Don’t forget to put them inDisplay Eventz when he’s going through!

Highlights of the Week

Monday – It was another awesome week of Jay’s Unitz Design! This week he wanted to see what kind ofTop Chefz and Adventurez Clubz you could come up with! There were a lot of great entries and so he picked 10 TOP winners to receive 50 Wooz and a Congratz Trophy! Well done to:
Tuesday – Max was back for another awesome Game Show event! There were many new faces at this week’s early morning event and everyone had a great time playing Max’s favorite games!! We played a really long game of Revenge and Lucky/Unlucky at the first show, and then in the second show we played Wolf, Fib or Fact, and lots of Crack the Code! Great job to everyone who won a Game Podz and thanks to everyone else who came out for the fun!
Wednesday – This week we got another dose of fresh bookz in Thriller City! If you haven’t checked it out you, head on over and collect the 5 NEW Bookz for your achievement and reward! You can also stock up on Komodo dragons and lucky coins in the Shop Podz for Beex only! :-) And don’t forget to enter theWeekly Writing Challenge in the Enlist Podz starting today!! A special thanks to everyone who joined Jenny for some reading and trivia at her weekly Bookz Club!
Thursday – Yesterday afternoon Mya searched for a NEW Star of the Week! After looking through the most LOVING unitz and picking the most LOVING woozens, Mya held her Fashion Show competition… It wasn’t easy, and it was definitely a close finish, but only one can emerge as the winner… Congratulations to this week’s new Star – Sera2 !!! Head over to Mya’s Woozen Walk of Fame to see all our past Stars and find out how YOU can be next! Have a look at all of the LOVING contestants below:
Friday – Today you can catch the Late Night with Mya Show at 12:30 PM and 7:30 PM WoozTime. Go catch up on the latest news and happenings in Woozworld and also find out what to expect next week! Think up a good question to ask Mya and show up early for a chance to ask it! Enjoy the show!

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